Monday, December 14, 2015

2015 wow Christmas around the corner

Hello All,
  As always it's been awhile since I've posted on here.. Life just seems to get in the way of blogging.
So we began the year with having to get a new roof and lots of repairs to our bed room and master bath.   Water damage was not our friend this year.   Aside from that.  Dave and I didn't do too much this year.  We had Christmas in Jan with our daughters, and grandson and their S.O.'s
We also had Christmas in Dec with Dave's sister and Brother in Law in RI.

In April I took over as store manager where I work,  was quite tired of working a million hours, and getting paid for way less.  So at the end of June,  I talked to the COO and stepped back down to do what I luv to do..  "marketing"  However because of taking on the position,  I was sent off to Mexico in Sept. for a week for work.   It wasn't too great of a trip, but I did learn a lot, and had a nice time making connections, meeting new people.

In June, we were off to Michigan, where we had a fantastic time visiting with family from my fathers side of the family.   It was great to meet some new family and see old ones. Love them all.

In July, we were off to PA, for another family reunion, from my mothers side of the family.  Again had a great time, and was able to see people we haven't seen in awhile, and meet a few new ones.
During our extended cousin reunion, Dave & I took the challenger to PA this time, and he put it in a car show,  It was pretty cool.  He took our cousin Dave for a ride during the 1st cousin reunion, then he took our cousin Jusson, for a ride at the extended reunion,  Jusson had permagrin.. LOVED IT.

In Sept, as I mentioned was the trip to Mexico,
In Oct. We were off to CA, for Dave to have his week long Face to Face with hi co workers.,  I usually go along, he works, while I go play!   I went to a rose garden, drove along the coast, and many other things while I was there.

At the end of Oct. Shannon, Deanna, and Braeden, and Reagan, came to visit, Reagan is a little girl that Shannon had temporary custody of.
During that visit, We had gotten Deanna's wedding dress, Shannon's maid of honor dress, Braeden a new suit to be the ring bearer.  A lot accomplished in a day.
We also celebrated Thanksgiving early with the girls.

At the Beginning of Nov. We went down to CT for our nephews birthday, We took the Viper, for a change of pace, and all went well until on the way home, the serpentine belt fell off,  stuck on the side of a major road, on a Sat. night, with no tow service open, or any garage, specialized for a viper, near where you are.. is well a bad thing.   Many miles and $$ later, we arrived at home, driven by the tow truck to bring the car, over 100 miles to get it home.  (ugh)

In November we had Thanksgiving In RI, with my sister in law and brother in law, Very nice visit, as always.

I believe that's it for now.  I do hope you all have a wonderful Holiday,  and after our few christmas's I'll post again.


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