I was up and cooking breakfast, for one of my best friends and hopefully a new very good friend, and Braeden comes down the stairs saying "Nana where are you" Ya know if you could hear him talk, he would make your heart melt.

Anyway, then he went through the routine that we all went through at 2 years old. Not wanting to get dressed, or eat, or do anything except what we wanted to do. So we just left him run around, no hurry, Hey it's a mini vacation! Finally after getting Bill & Michelle packed up and ready to go on there way to their next game in NY, Shannon & I "finally" get Braeden dressed and get into the car, (this only took about 45 minutes)

Anyway, Shannon asked to take Braeden to C.E.C. so we went, he was amazed to say the least. he looked at every game and ride and had to touch each one and say "what's that"

Monday was much fun for Dave. He is now getting "buff" what with doing all those "Braeden-ups" you know that exercise you get when you hold their waist and then they jump for 20 minutes on your lap?

Well now that we all know what "Braeden-ups" are, I think Dave must have done well at least 200 on Sunday night and then about 600 Monday night, so I think he is set in the "buff" department for now.

Braeden also thought that the "ferret" peanuts were to be played with outside the box instead of inside, Hmmm he is exactly like the ferrets, they think the same way!!

So picking them up once wasn't good enough for "The Braed" he had to do that 2 more times, I think he was playing a game, "me dump them out & you pick them up!" I didn't much care for that one, then to top it all off our Himalayan cat decided to get in the box and as he got out he carried the "peanuts" everywhere all over the house, at this point, I resign as the picker upper of peanuts, of course now they are everywhere, so I can't resign quite yet.

So we are now on our way out to dinner for "Steak" and my blog is done for today.

I hope you all enjoyed the reading. Feel free to leave comments, & drop by again.